Lunk Alarm

We believe that the unmistakable clanging, rattling and ringing of 45 pound plates on a bar or machine accompanied by heavy breathing and grunting sounds should be celebrated for what it is, the byproduct of hard, intense oftentimes excruciating work which means someone is moving closer to ultimately reaching their goal. Those are the sounds of a weight trainer EARNING their “muscles”!

That effort deserves to be met with a pat on the back, and a hearty “congratulations” or “good job” not a flashing light and squealing siren designed for the sole purpose of embarrassment followed by the indignity and very public shaming of being immediately thrown out of what with billboard advertising on every apparatus can only be considered in the loosest of terms a “gym”.

We find it hard to believe that the very gym corporation which markets “Judgment Free Zone” in everything that they advertise would invent an “alarm” and name it “Lunk” after a stereotypical derogatory term aimed to embarrass those that put more effort than the average person would be willing or able to extend. That in itself is a JUDGEMENT.

Imagine if it were instead a “Pencil Neck” or “Thunder Thighs” alarm that would sound a screeching siren and a flashing light when someone with a slim or heavy build were trying to reach their personal goals of adding some muscle mass or shedding some fat. That would be met with outrage, as it absolutely should!

Train at Land Of The Giants Gym™ we like everyone!